vendredi 29 juin 2012

First step, unexpected plan

The plan about this travel is to do Paris-Seoul without plane (because plane is too mainstream). To reach this goal, I should cross the following countries : Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, China and finally, Korea in taking a boat from Qingdao to Incheon.

The blue lines are the road that I plan to take. In green, it is alternative ways that I will take depending of the situation in Warsow, capital of Poland.The dot (red or green) are the place where I'm going to stay more than one day. But because that kind of travel is full of problems, of unexpected things, the itinary will probably not be the one I planned! :-)

The first step of this travel was about to go to Kiev, Ukrainia in carpooling for 100€ with 27hours of non-stop driving (in relaying). The problem is that the owner of the car is really hesitant, he could leave France on 11th or 15th and he still doesn't know (the ad was about to leave initially on the 6th!).

Then I found another carpooling (50€) in direction of Warsow, in Poland. It will be a little bit less close of the Russia border than if I go directly to Kiev but anyway!
The goal in Warsow is to obtain the russian visa which I don't have on my passport to reach Kazakhstan. Little unexpected thing : This car will leave on this monday then it remains only two days to prepare everything so.... let's go!!

2 commentaires:

  1. Wooow tu fais le voyage de mes rêves!! pourquoi je ne suis pas avec toi?!!!?
    bon voyage, profite bien, et j'ai grande hâte de voir tes photos de ces magnifiques pays!! =)

