mercredi 11 juillet 2012

On the road again..!!

And it's now my last day in Warsaw! But before the explain of the itinenary I'll take, I should give you some new informations :

I have a big problem with my chinese visa. Whatever the city, Berlin or Warsaw, being french, I could not ask for a chinese visa. Anyway I wanted to make this visa in Astana, in Kazakhstan but after some research, I got the same answer : Impossible to make a chinese visa in Kazakhstan, and in a global way, impossible to make a visa in a country which is not mine!
Impossible ?! Not really !

In fact, it exist some rare countries where we can do a chinese visa without any nationality problems. For example, it is good in Hong-Kong but it need that I take a plane to reach over there and for two reasons, I can't do it :
1) That is not the purpose of this travel (no plane!).
2) That is not the purpose of this travel (from Hong-Kong, I will not have crossed China... It's quiet near to Korea).

The solution is Uzbekistan !!! I read many things about it is possible to make a chinese visa in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan without any nationalité restriction. So I'm thinking about going to Uzbekistan for the next days (after cross Ukrainia, Russia and Kazakhstan).

The good points in this change of itinenary :
1) I should be able to get a visa : which means, no plane to Hong-Kong or for to France!!
2) Tashkent is really close of China and Kazakhstan.

The evil bad fucking really nasty not good so much ugly points :
1) Make a visa for Uzbekistan
2) My Kazakh visa is only for one entry... I need two entries.
3) This make me lost a lot of day, and it change all of the plans with Stefan, my kazakh friend.

To sum up, here is what I need to reach the border of China :

1) Make a visa to go to Uzbekistan
2) Cross Kazakhstan to go in Uzbekistan
3) Make a chinese visa
4) Make a new Kazakh visa to reach China.

Stefan already plan his holidays in considering I will arrive around the 12th of July in Kazakhstan (which is possible actually if I don't go to China after!!), so Stefan and his friends go across Kazakhstan without me and we will maybe meet in Almaty (next to the chinese border) in more or less ten days (the town where he's doing his studies).

So I'm leaving Ukrainia tonight to benefit of a free night in the train. I will be in Kiev early tomorrow and in an vigorous state! And that's what I need to cross Russia and Kazakhstan. I will certainly not give news for several days (3, 4 or maybe 5 days max) until my arrival in Tashkent, but for sure, if I find an internet access somewhere, I'll write some lines on the blog! ;)

I hope to be in Tashkent on the 15th of July (in four days).

N.B : The video of the modern art museum of Warsaw is really long to upload on youtube, I'm gonna to upload it later, when a better connexion will be around me! :)
N.B² : I found a little picture of the first travel day with my carpooling fellows, then if you are interesting about seeing their head, look at the first topic!

Bisous à tous et à très vite! ;)

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