vendredi 6 juillet 2012

Woke up at 5am and let's leave the city "GLASTFLÜNDER AAAARRRRR", or something like that! I was not able to pay a train ticket with my VISA card, it wasn't accepted in the machine. Anyway, I went to the train and waited to see what will happens without ticket! Finally,I avoid the control in buying food meanwhile the controller checked the passengers tickets..!

Finally in Berlin, I fastly came to the chinese embassy. After a quick way on the subway, the administratives troubles were waiting for me :

- Suscribe to an international health insurance.
- Book hostel for all of the period I would like to stay in China (otherwise, it's a letter from a chinese host, writed on chinese!).
- Proof of how I get in China
- Proof of how I leave China.

Anyway... After few hours and half of the requirement in my possession, I waited for the long
queue to reach the visa office. The girl there, make me understand quickly that it was impossible to get a chinese visa in Berlin, because I wasn't german (only the french people living there can).

Really disappointed, I decided to go back quickly to Warsaw to go to the Russian embassy the next morning. This time, I bought a high speed train ticket, to not get in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere...! Completely exhausted, legs and shoulders dead, I rested on a chair, sent a text to Konrad to tell him I will arrive in Warsaw on this evening, and finally fall asleep for several hours.

I went to the train around 6pm and met two persons completely crazy as I never met before : Sylvia Polska and an ex-prisoner pedophile rapist polish (from now, we will call him pedolish).

When I arrived in the cabin, Sylvia was saying goodbye to a ginger homeless sorcerer german friend of her. When we begin to talk together, I was thinking she was crazy... but quickly, we talked a lot and laughed a lot. After 30 minuts, I was really impressed of her personality, and a very accomplice atmosphere came in the train. It was like we knew each other since a long time, that was my feeling.

Beside, Pedolish tried to trap me with his sensual posture in inviting me to sleep at his house. He told me about it was his father's accomodation => "it's messy but I can clean" but Sylvia was already trying to take care of me, then..

 In Warsaw station, she absolutely wanted to give me something. In taking my bag as a table, she cut her bread to give me half of it! :)

We talked during all of the travel, about nothing and everything. Then, she called all of her friends to find somewhere we could sleep together "as brother and sister" to keep talking together. But after two or three hundred of calls, she told me she couldn't find a solution to stay together.
The plan was that I go to the accomodation of her pregnant friend, a little bit far from Warsaw. But my phone rang, it was Konrad who tell me that if I want to sleep at his accomodation tonight, there were no problems. We gave each other our numbers and she drove me until the bus station. We decided to plan another time to drink the polish vodka she wanted to make me discover.

The center of Warsaw is beautiful, very colorful. I suspect the European football coup to be responsable of all of those colorful ambiance that I saw, but anyway, the town is splendid.
A lot of things make me think about Paris (roads, signs, buildings etc..). Every time I needed some help, polish people seemed really involved to help me, smiling most of the time. The only caution I could heard about Poland is to no talk to drunk polish guys.

Anyway, I found without difficulties the way to get in Konrad's accomodation, because of the help or Sylvia and of the detailed messages of my host.

Konrad Werys
(the pic is not mine, it's his profile picture)

Great accomodation, he welcome me with a beer and a pizza! We talked much that night, I don't know exactly the name of his job but he's a kind of magnetic resonnance engineer and work on scanner machines in hospitals (bones scan, lungs scan, MRI scan etc..) which works with magnets!
I don't really know what he's exactly doing with thoses machines but it's looks cool!

Konrad helped me to find my way to go to the embassy, near the street KRAWSKUNIOVSZ-GRAZYNALUVKY!!!!!

This morning, he drove me at the russian embassy before going to work. Very encouraging, they tool my passport right away, no problems at all! The visa will be ready on next tuesday, then at this moment, I will leave Poland to reach Ukrainia.

At the time, I am near the embassy where I found a place to eat something which cost me 5 zlotys (a bit more than one euro), and write that article. I have bunch of pics and videos but I can't put everything here : I will make a video with everything on it ! ;)

This afternoon, I'm going to the biggest commercial center of Poland to visit it... but mainly to buy socks!!! In fact, I forgot to take sockets in my bag then it's an emmergency case!

Tonight, Sylvia wanna meet me in the center of Warsaw to drink polish vodka as polish people usually do! I will invite Konrad to join us, he finish his work late.

Planning of the next days :
- Enjoy Warsaw (visit of the old warsaw, important places etc..) 
- From the 8th, I will meet Paulina, ma new host, until the 10th (passeport ready!).
- Check trains and bus which cross the little part of Russia I wanna cross to reach Kazakhstan.

N.B: The best invention of the world
N.B² : I wrote this article yersterday but didn't have time to translate it in english, then all of this is about yersterday! ;)

See you !! ;)

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